Welcome to Chicostume.org
The Internet Home of the Chicagoland Costumers' Guild


This is not a marketing site; it is an INFORMATIONAL site provided for members of the Chicagoland Costumers' Guild, but also for the benefit of the costume-making community at large-- It has many useful articles and pictures of events we have sponsored/participated in.

Don't worry if your browser says NOT SECURE. We will not ask you for personal information for any purpose, except to put you in touch with our Treasurer, if you wish to join our chapter of the International Costumers' Guild.

Upcoming Events:


CCG Campout 2025 Norman B. Barr Camp, Williams Bay, WI


The guild has regular monthly meetings on the second Saturday of most months from 3-5pm on the Northwest side of Chicago. There are pot-luck munchies and tea available at the meetings. Other events of interest to costumers and projects we're working on are discussed at the meetings, as well as any club business.


January MEETING: Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 3:00PM

(At the usual place in Chicago*)

(Hybrid meeting; ZOOM link if unable to attend in person. Check CCG Facebook Group for link.)

*Contact pjocon *at* sbcglobal *dot* net for directions to in-person meeting place.

The first meeting for non-members is free to see if you'll enjoy the group (and for as long as the meetings are virtual), and the meetings will always be free for members.  *For further info on the monthly meeting location, contact the webmaster (pjocon *at* sbcglobal.net).

Who are we?

The Chicagoland Costumers' Guild (aka, the MOB) is a club for people who love to costume and do costuming-related activities together. We meet on the second Saturday of every month plus workshops & outings at various occasions. Workshops and panels provide education about costuming for the greater community. The Chicagoland Costumers' Guild is a chapter of the International Costumers' Guild (ICG),, and CCG members will also receive the ICG newsletter. The current CCG Board is:

Membership Info:

Membership dues are $20 a year and include membership in the International Costumers Guild (and their newsletter). Dues for a second member at the same address are $10. If this is not your primary chapter of the ICG, dues are $12.

Members may attend meetings and guild events free of charge (excluding any posted materials fees for workshops).
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Treasurer Sue Finkle (treasurer *at* chicostume.org) or attend a monthly meeting (see the upcoming events section above), and get the info in person.


(LAST UPDATED in 2009: Click here to see by-laws)

Join the CCG Facebook group for event notifications and costuming polls, as well as an e-mail list if you want to talk costuming. Members and non-members are welcome at the Yahoo group; you just need to like costuming.

Any corrections needed on this website?

Contact Patrick J. O'Connor, webmaster*at*chicostume.org

WARNING! Educational Content Below:

*Don't have Adobe Reader? Click Here

PDF Handout from DucKon 20:


PDF Handouts and links from WindyCon 37 and Tardis 2010:

(Paper Wings.pdf)

(Wings Handout.pdf)

(Link to Windycon Photos)

(Link to Windycon Costume-Lighting Panel)

(Link to 'Official' Windycon Photos)

(Timelord Collar Slide-show.pdf)



Adobe Acrobat Downloads* from WindyCon36 Panels:


(Basic Luceting.pdf)

(Elizabethan Life for a Middle Class Townsperson.pdf)

'How I Built Agatha's Locket' from WindyCon36 Metal Workshop:

Windycon 36 was a hoot! [Pictures in our Gallery at right].

Results from WindyCon36 Masquerade:


CCG Group Presentation "Backstage at the Heterodyne Show" won Best in Class--Journeyman, May 8 at CC28 in Milwaukee


'Heterodyne Show' Masquerade Video --- WARNING! Long Download (>10 minutes) Go have a cup of coffee...

CC28 Official Masquerade Photos, (C) 2010 Richard Man

More CC28 Masquerade Performance Photos, (C) 2010 Richard Man

Handouts from WindyCon35 Panels:









All content copyright © 2024 The Chicagoland Costumers' Guild, except where noted. All rights reserved.